10 - 12th, Dec 2024

After the resounding success of the first edition, the Safi Surf Invitational is back for an even more spectacular second edition, organized by the Bahri Association, under the aegis of the Royal Moroccan Federation of Surfing (FRMS) and in partnership with the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP). The event will take place on the legendary Ras Lafâa spot, recognized as the 9th best wave in the world, with a waiting period running from November 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

This prestigious competition will bring together 60 of the best Moroccan and international surfers and bodyboarders, representing 16 nationalities from all five continents. The athletes will enjoy a unique surfing experience by day and night, illuminated by an exceptional lighting system, as well as numerous social and environmental activities open to the general public and free of charge.

The Safi Surf Invitational is more than just a competition. It's also a festive and inclusive event that showcases the city of Safi and its rich heritage. A surf village will host local exhibitors, local craft workshops showcasing products from the city of Safi, street art sessions, musical entertainment and a city tour. In addition, CSR initiatives such as free surf lessons for children from Safi orphanages and a major beach clean-up will be at the heart of the event.

Founder of the Bahri Association and organizer of the Safi Surf Invitational: “Our ambition is to make the Safi Surf Invitational a platform that celebrates not only sport, but also the values of solidarity, sharing, and respect for the environment, while contributing to Safi's international standing as a leading surfing destination and national heritage. We're delighted to have the support of the local authorities, both in the Province of Safi and in the town itself, and we want to include all the surfing stakeholders in Safi, in particular surf clubs and associations, to ensure that this is a unifying event.

We're delighted to have the support of the local authorities, both in the Province of Safi and in the town itself, and we want to include all the surfing stakeholders in Safi, in particular surf clubs and associations, to ensure that this is a unifying event.

The Safi Surf Invitational can't happen without the support of the private sector, which is why I'd like to thank our major partner OCP for supporting our long-term vision, and Ciments du Maroc for supporting this 2nd edition.



  1. st place: Pierre-Louis Costes (France)
  2. nd place: Badr-Eddine Chajri (Morocco)
  3. rd place: Maxime Castillo (France)
  4. th place: Adnane Benslimane (Morocco)

Catégorie: Women's Surf

  1. st place: Justine Dupont (France)
  2. nd place: Catty Griffin (USA)
  3. rd place: Laura Coviella (Spain)
  4. th place: Lee-Ann Curren (France)

Catégorie:Men's Surf

  1. st place: Marc Lacomare (France)
  2. nd place: Abdel El Harim (Morocco)
  3. rd place: Brett Barley (USA)
  4. th place: Yoni Klein (Italy)


Surf Men

Internationals (16)
  • Coming soon...
Nationals (10)
  • Coming soon...
Locals (10)
  • Coming soon...

Bodyboard Men

Internationals (5)
  • Coming soon...
Nationals (5)
  • Coming soon...
Locals (10)
  • Coming soon...

Surf Women

Internationals (4)
  • Coming soon...
Nationals (4)
  • Coming soon...


Internationals (2)
  • Coming soon...
Nationals (2)
  • Coming soon...
Locals (2)
  • Coming soon...

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